60csx 2.62 Beta

Garmin fenix 7X und epix Gen 2 im Test

Der Schwerpunkt dieses Tests und Vergleichs der Garmin Fenix 7X Solar und Garmin Epix Gen 2 liegt auf den Sensoren wie Höhenmesser, Positionsbestimmung und Herzfrequenz. Was unterscheidet die beiden GPS-Outdoor-Smartwatches? Und wie gut ist die Taschenlampe der Fenix 7X für den Outdoorbereich? Hier geht es zum Test der Outdoor-Smartwatches ...
  • Changes made from version 2.60 to 2.62:

    * Improve path nighttime color for map Topo Great Britian v2.
    * Add feature to save active track log to file on data card.
    * Add MPC map support.
    * Enhance layout and functionality of tide station chart information.
    * Add new time zones for major cities in the U.S. and Europe.
    * Improve Search City By-Name feature to use all available maps.
    * Add alert circles support.
    * Add support for detecting the presence of routable NT maps.
    * Improve aesthetics of airport information display.
    * Add custom MDB feature support.
    * Add support for g2 Bluecharts during map selection.
    * Fix UTC offset for Las Vegas time zone.
    * Improve reset function of timer lap distance.

    2.62 Download

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