GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 27.2)

Garmin fenix 7X und epix Gen 2 im Test

Der Schwerpunkt dieses Tests und Vergleichs der Garmin Fenix 7X Solar und Garmin Epix Gen 2 liegt auf den Sensoren wie Höhenmesser, Positionsbestimmung und Herzfrequenz. Was unterscheidet die beiden GPS-Outdoor-Smartwatches? Und wie gut ist die Taschenlampe der Fenix 7X für den Outdoorbereich? Hier geht es zum Test der Outdoor-Smartwatches ...
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    * New feature: Automatic generating of routing graph - please find menu 'Tools | Generate Routing Nodes | at Coinciding Nodes of Polylines'.
    * New feature: Showing routing nodes on the map (see menu 'View | Routing Nodes' or corresponding toolbar button).
    * New feature: Connecting nearest polyline nodes as routing graph node (crossroad), as well as disconnecting them - see polyline node context menu 'Connect to Nearest Nodes' and 'Disconnect Nodes'.
    * New feature: All connected polyline nodes may be moved together.
    * New feature: In Properties page of polyline node, the tab 'Routing' is added to allow modification of associated routing graph node attributes. This includes authoring turn restrictions (NOTE: only 3-node sequences are supported, and time restrictions are not supported).
    * Enhancement: The operations 'Trim', 'Slice Map', 'Split to Files', 'Add Point', 'Remove Point', 'Reverse Points', 'Extract Element', 'Split Polyline', 'Merge Polylines' and generalization of polyline points are aware of routing graph data.
    * Enhancement: Passing routing graph nodes while copying polylines to the clipboard (NOTE: except turn restrictions data).
    * Enhancement: 'Statistics' page shows information about the road graph: the amount of nodes, links and turn restrictions.
    * Enhancement: While saving to Polish format (MP), the standard attributes are used to describe routing nodes of polylines whenever possible. However MP format does not allow to describe two or more 0-level elements of polyline with routing nodes, that's why non-standard attribute "NodesX=" is used for this case.
    * Enhancement: While saving to Polish format (MP), any non-unique identifiers of routing graph nodes ("NodeID=") and ones of polylines ("RoadID=") are resolved.
    * Fix: Some errors specific to saving routing graph nodes to RUS format.
    * New feature: Changing 'Comment' attribute for multiple selection (please see the context menu 'Modify | Comment...').
    * Enhancement: 'Merge Polylines' now supports 3 or more polylines merging.
    * Enhancement: Loading of tracks from OziExplorer PLT is made much faster.
    * Enhancement: Object index for CRD file is saved even if indexed cities are not defined (thanks to Ogi Ljubenov).
    * Enhancement: The support of Italy Grid datum (thanks to Alessandro).
    * Enhancement: The GPS-cursor is enlarged.
    * Fix: Automatic connection with GPS-receiver for some computers.
    * Fix: 'Trim' caused hiding the whole map in some cases (thanks to Thomas Ransberger).
    * Fix: The degree sign under Chinese systems (thanks to YC Lee).
    * Fix: Loosing shift of attached raster maps while saving to MP in certain cases (thanks to Ben Strach).
    * Fix: Ignoring empty "Zip=" attributes while loading MP files.
    * Fix: Ignoring the attribute "City=Y" (or "[RGN20]") if "Region=" and "Country=" is omited - to avoid empty record appearance in cities index, which causes an error in cgpsmapper.exe.

  • Hallo,

    Konstantin hat die Version von GPSMaPedit veröffentlicht.

    GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 28.1)
    (April 12th, 2006)

    Download version (664 K).

    * Fix: Highlighting routing nodes with associated turn restrictions for maps with attached tracks (thanks to dyp).

    GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 28.0)
    (April 11th, 2006)

    * Fix: The order of routing attributes in Polish MP format (thanks to Rustam Volkov).
    * Fix: The automatic routing graph generating is now applied to 0-th zoom level only.
    * Enhancement: The tolerance distance used by the automatic routing graph generating is lowered up to half of the position grid step for the 0-th zoom level. (NOTE: this is made to avoid incorrect connections with neighbour nodes of the same polyline).
    * Enhancement: Routing nodes with associated turn restrictions are highlighted as the red border about small square.
    * Enhancement: Displaying of polyline or polygon node ordinal in its Properties box.
    * Fix: Failure after deleting polyline nodes (thanks to Alex Tjapukhin).
    * Fix: All nodes in a map with routing graph and attached track was incorrectly shown as magenta squares (thanks to Senior).
    * Fix: Incorrect showing 'Routing' tab in the Properties window for tracks, being attached to a map with routing data (thanks to dyp).
    * Fix: Some minor bugs in the turn restriction editor tool (thanks to dyp).
    * Enhancement: The turn restriction editor tool, all the manuevers not allowed due to one-way traffic are highlighted as gray background (thanks to Senior).
    * Fix: Dividing by zero while reading empty DBF file (thanks to Horacio D. Stolovitzky).

    Gruss Joern Weber