BMW Motorrad Navigator III software version 3.10 as of August 21, 2006
(Die beiden gepackten Dateien sind identisch mit denjenigen des StreetPilot 2820.)
Changes made from version 2.20 to 3.10:
• Corrected weather detail page to show temperatures higher than 99º F.
• Corrected problem that could cause false 'better route available' alerts.
• Added support for Croatian, Greek, and Slovenian voices. These voices can be downloaded from this web page.
• Corrected some translations.
• Made improvements to text-to-speech to allow the spoken road name to match the name displayed on the StreetPilot.
** N51.30° E6.59° (incl. SA) **
** iQue 3600 **
** GPSMAP 76Cx **