Hallo Leute,
darf seit geraumer Zeit einen Zumo550 mein Eigen nennen und habe auch schon einige Stunden in Tests mit Gerät und MapSource verbracht.
Dabei sind nachstehende Punkte herausgekommen, welche ich an Garmin senden wollte/möchte.
Warum noch nicht getan?
Ich kann die Garminsupportseite nicht erreichen, bzw. wenn ich diese einmal am Bildschirm habe, schreibt sie mir immer was von max. 2000 Zeichen (auch wenn ich weniger verwende)
Vielleicht könnt ihr ja vorab einen Blick darauf werfen und eure Meinung dazu kundtun. Eventuell habe ich ja auch etwas in der Handhabung übersehen oder vergessen. Würde mich freuen, wenn Punkte einfach so geklärt werden können.
Hier der Originaltext (habe ich auf Englisch belassen)
MapSource =
*) converting a track into a route
It would be nice to have the same feature converting a track into a route as it is possible on Zumo550
At the moment, copying files between Zumo and PC must be done to get a around that constraint.
*) differentiation beetween various kinds of streets
Beside superhighway and parkway there is nearly no differentiation to detect, what kind of street is visualized. The black and grey lines are hard to differ. They also don't change brithness when zooming in.
It just would help to make good byroads in fat black, poorer once in thin black (or grey) or even better give the user the possibility to adjust color and/or brithness for each kind of road within a configuration setup.
Am I thinking rigth, that dashed lines are off road?
*) properties for each route/track individually
at the moment the parameters how the routing algorithm should work is only predefinable in the preferences. Planing more routes each with different options (freeway, time optimized, distance optimized, ...) is not possible because of the global setting.
What about the idea to only make the global setting as a default that will be used when starting to plan a route. Each route stores the settings in it making it possible to define each route with other routing parameters. Additional a further button in the route behaviour can reset the route settings back to the global setting.
*) Different colors for routes
Realy felicitous is the possibility to assign differents colors to tracks. It would be great to have this feature for routes, too.
Can you also rise the current limitation of 16 colors, too?
*) Only thin black on a route
A calculated route only has a solid thin black line. This makes it impossible to determine the intrinsic kind of street.
Why not leaving the original visualization surrounded by the highlited color?
*) On/Off-Visualization Flag
Why not have a checkbox against each route/track/waypoint telling it should/shouldn't be displayed in the map. At the moment working against more routes/tracks/waypoints makes the routes/tracks/... hard to read.
*) Import/Export of objects
Currently, only using Copy/Paste does an exchange between different MapSource Sessions. For that one must open, save, reopen, ... a gdb-File or start a second session.
Perhaps an import/export action can avoid this cumbersome task. Another solution would be to expand the interface to MDI (multiple document interface), letting the user open more gdb-files in one application window
[continued in Part 4, because of the 2000 character limitation]
*) Auto-zoom disturbs
driving along a route and changing the zoomlevel always results that Zumo adjust the zoom level depending on its own thought. Often bikers sometimes wants to shorten/extend a suggested routesegment but therefore need a larger view.
There should be a quick on-screen setting, telling Zumo not to change the zoom level.
*) Exclusions and routecalculating settings only as default
activating the "Where to" menu should use the default exclusions just as default settings. It would help a lot, if the user can adjust those settings directly before starting to calculate the route.
Suggestion: start calculation with "use default exclusions/settings" or "modify exlusions/settings" (the global will not be affected during this modifications)
For routecalculation it would be nice to have two more options:
Avoid cross-town link
Prefer winding roads
(Currently, car & bike are handled the same. Please don't do that )
*) Partly delete Trip Log
There seems to be no solution to delete trips seperatly. Only the trip log can be deleted as whole.
*) Change name of Trip Log
selecting a Trip should bring up an "edit" menu allowing to do same things like within a route (rename, delete, ...)
*) route simulation
playback is very slow and cannot be fastened (before watching a 400km distance I would prefer to drive it at the moment;) )
Perhaps you can show a slider making playbackspeed adjustable.
*) Cannot delete recently found locations
Only the whole list can be deleted. Would be nice to make a functionality to delete single locations (like deleting a route)
Bye, Trridy