Alles anzeigenHallo amarok!
Hast Du das Ding noch?
So, ANYWAY, here’s the point of this post: here’s one way to revive your dead Garmin GPSMap 60CSx:
- Download the latest firmware file from this handy site. The filename will look like this: GPSMAP60CSx_330.exe (where the 330 is the firmware version number).
- Double click the .exe (which is a self-extracting archive) and it will ask you where you want to extract the files (the default is c:\garmin). If you have your other Garmin applications (like MapSource) already installed in c:\garmin, then choose another location to extract the files.
- Now, here’s where it gets tricky. Since the unit wasn’t recognized by the firmware updater on its own, customer support gave me the crazy keypad combination to trick the updater to see your USB GPSr: hold down the power button (on the top of the unit) and push the directional button in the up (“^”) position.
- While holding those buttons down, double click on the Updater.exe file in the directory where the firmware updates were extracted to.
- If this worked for you, then your GPSr should now show up for the firmware update program. While still holding down the two buttons, make sure your GPS device is selected, and then click the “OK” button to start the firmware update.
- During the entire firmware update process you need to hold those buttons down. The update can take several minutes, and your fingers will start to HURT, but you need to hold them down.
- Once the update has completed, you can relax your fingers and you should now be able to start up your GPSr.
- Jump for joy!
Suchbegriffe: rescue, bootloader, wiederbeleben, tot, gpsmap60csx, garmin, tastenkombination, retten, wiederherstellen, firmware, aufspielen, fehler, hilfe
Also freeday,
wenn das echt funktioniert (und es scheint so, nach den Kommentaren auf der Quell-Webseite), dann ist dir amarok ein Bier schuldig.
Und ich hab mir das sofort gesaved in meinem Garmin-Directory unter "Doku".
Ein Spitzentip, gut gefunden!:8