Zümo Software 3.80 ist auf der entsprechenden Homepage verfügbar.
Für 550 zu dieser Zeit noch nicht, teilweise Titel schon geändert.
Garmin fenix 7X und epix Gen 2 im Test
Der Schwerpunkt dieses Tests und Vergleichs der Garmin Fenix 7X Solar und Garmin Epix Gen 2 liegt auf den Sensoren wie Höhenmesser, Positionsbestimmung und Herzfrequenz. Was unterscheidet die beiden GPS-Outdoor-Smartwatches? Und wie gut ist die Taschenlampe der Fenix 7X für den Outdoorbereich?
Hier geht es zum Test der Outdoor-Smartwatches ...
Changes made from version 3.30 to 3.80:
- Add support for African Time zones.
- Add support for several new pre-recorded voices.
- Add support for distances in yards when a British voice is selected (may require updated voice).
- Added support for MAD Maps scenic routes.
- Allow the compass page to display 5 digits of elevation.
- Improved handling of circular routes. Allows entry at alternate point. Will not announce arrival when starting a route. (All routes will be deleted after update, but can be re-imported from GPX files.)
- Keep the map detail level when go from main map to browse map.
- When reviewing a gas station after pressing the fuel button from main map, the map will now be centered on selected gas station rather than the vehicle.
- Change Optimal Reorder so it does not include the final point when reordering.
- Correct issue where backlight may change if you remain on the backlight adjust page for a period of time.
- Correct issue where backlight may turn off when location is above polar circle.
- Correct issue that would sometimes cause highways to be labeled with the incorrect name.
- Correct issue that would not allow more than a single point to be added to some routes.
- Correct issues when the same map is loaded in two different regions.
- Correct issue when searching for cities on basemap.
- Correct off road transitions in track to route when there is no map coverage.
- Correct issue playing Audible format 4 books.
- Correct distance for mixed routes imported from MapSource
- Correct issue that caused all traffic delays to be 1min when using certain maps.
- Correct issue that prevented TrafficMaster service from being properly named on the unit.
- Correct issue that prevented some very large track log activities from being archived correctly.
- Correct issue where changes to a route would be lost if you press and hold the back button.
- Correct issue that caused MP3?s to be paused for navigation announcements when navigation was set to off and a pre-recorded voice was selected.
Ich mach mal dicht, das haben wir auch im Firmware-Board. Sonst wird's doppelt. Vielen Dank für den schnellen Hinweis!
Hier gehts weiter:Zümo 500: http://www.naviboard.de/vb/showthread.php?t=24394
Zümo 550: http://www.naviboard.de/vb/showthread.php?t=24393Im Prinzip bei beiden die gleichen Änderungen.
PS: es scheint möglicherweise Probleme mit den Downloadlinks in den Threads zu geben. Wer nicht zur V3.80 kommt, möge mir bitte eine PM schreiben, ich versuch grade rauszukriegen, warum das so ist.
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