es gibt eine neue firmware:
Change History
Changes made from version 2.20 to 2.30:
* Removed time limitation from history recording.
* Deleting history through the menu on the device will now also delete the history file from mass storage.
* Fixed issue where averages and calories could accumulate when auto-paused.
* Fixed issue where workout dates could be incorrect on the watch when loaded from the PC.
* Fixed issue where settings were sometimes not saved when GPS was turned off.
* When creating a course, device will no longer show history that does not have track point data.
* Correct issue with repeated auto-pause/resume when starting.
* Fixed issue where routes created in MapSource could have invalid points after being loaded to the Edge.
* Fixed some problems with calculating total ascent.
* Fixed issue with grade being dashed and elevation not changing.
* Added an Entertainment category in POI List.
* Speeded up searching in Find Cities.
* Fixed issue where wheel size was not auto-calibrating.
* Fixed issue where unit does not return to previous screen after route recalculation.
* Added progress bar for software updates.
* Added ability to hit LEFT/RIGHT to toggle between Bike Computer pages and Course Points page.
* Fixed problem with Time to Point display on course data page.
* Allow UP and DOWN to cycle the bottom pane of data on the Course Timer screen.
* Fixed some issues that would allow creating an invalid course that would end as soon as you pressed start.
* Fixed issue where certain languages (Svenska, Magyar, Slovensky) would not work with course compass page.
* Fixed issue where when more than one mapset is installed the unit only searches for addresses on the closest mapset.
* Fixed issue where keyboard would not immediately update when switching modes.
* Improved route recalculation.
* Fixed issue where ?Arriving At...' message does not always show destination.
* Disabled panning on the map displayed on the course timer page.
* Fixed issue where the Course Elevation Profile shows a straight line on long activities.
* Added average power to the lap data in XML.
* Updated many German translations.
* Fixed issue where auto-pause/manual lap causes 0 distance lap.
* Changed zoom levels at which towns and villages appear based on size to help declutter the map.
* Increased the number of calories that can be shown on History Totals page.
* Made some changes to reduce 0 speed reporting when using GSC10.