Neue Betaversion von MapSource 6.0.6
Änderungen von Betaversion 6.0.4 auf 6.0.6:
Change History
Betaversion 6.0.6 vom 16. April 2004
Changes made from version 6.0.4 Beta to 6.0.6 Beta:
Made some changes in how waypoint, route, track, and map selections are handled to be consistent with how they were in previous versions.
Added the link field of waypoints, routes, and tracks to the data fields that MapSource exports to text or DXF files.
Modified file export dialog to automatically fill in the base name of the current gdb file as the default name for the exported file.
Modified track stats display so that if a track is selected from either the tracks tab or the map window, the statistics always shows the track stats for the entire track.
Removed the Last Found Place Menu item.
Removed the F3 key functionality for finding the Last Found Place and navigating the recently found places menu.
Changed the recently found places dialog to automatically select the first recently found place when it is brought up.
Added the accelerator Ctrl-Alt-F to bring up the Recently Found Places.
Updated the trademark symbol after the name MapSource in the splash screen to be a registered trademark.
Modified auto-detection technology to prevent failures and lock-ups caused by certain devices being installed on a system.
Fixed issue where the auto-detection code would not correctly detect certain virtual COM port configurations.
Fixed issue where the auto-detection code would sometimes list the same COM port name twice in the select devices dialog.
Fixed issue where MapSource would sometimes fail while “finding devices” in the transfer dialog.
Fixed issue where MapSource would sometimes fail when bringing up the dialog for GPS transfers and there was no device available for transfer.
Fixed issue with the finder not working correctly with certain Asian language map products.
Fixed issue where MapSource would fail under certain circumstances when the user was performing clipboard operations.
Fixed issue where MapSource would fail when the user opened the Product Info with certain map products installed.
Fixed issue where an incorrect country string was output when MapSource exported user data to text or DXF files.
Fixed issue where an incorrect autoroute was generated in certain map data situations.
Fixed issue where MapSource would not make the Properties button available when a user found tide stations in the find nearest.
Fixed issue where the Open, Import, Save, and Save As dialogs were not resizable.
Fixed issue where MapSource would sometimes fail during map transfer when there was a problem with the selected set of maps not fitting on the destination device.
Fixed issue where you sometimes would get some drawing artifacts on the screen when you are using the map selection tool and then pan the map window with the arrow keys.
Fixed issue where the text displayed in the fatal dialog for some MapSource exceptions was incorrectly being overwritten.