GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 54.0)
(January 31st, 2009) Download version (1113 K).
- Fix: The support of Google Maps is updated.
- Enhancement: The shape and color of nodes visualized in the tool 'Edit Nodes' may be adjusted (please see menu 'Tools | Options', 'Edit' tab, "Colors for Nodes..." button and "Node shape" field).
- Enhancement: 'Tools | Verify Map', search for polygon self-intesections is made more effective (thanks to Рrosso).
- Enhancement: 'Tools | Verify Map' searches for "jitters" in polygons (thanks to Рrosso).
- Enhancement: Loading of MPS and GDB files with huge size.
- Fix: Visualization of waypoints while map skin is selected.
- Enhancement: In map statistics, additional columns are provided with number of objects with postal address, with contact information, net length and net area - per type. Additional lines are provided for partial sums for several subsets of types (e.g. all polyline roads).
- Enhancement: Menu item 'View | Show Polygon Contours' is added.
- Fix: Reading of "SubType=" attributes in Garmin TXT/TYP skins for some of types (thanks to Buyung Akram).
- Fix: Reading "XPM=" attributes in Garmin TXT/TYP in some cases (thanks to patton87).
Gruss Papaluna
P.S. an die Mods.
Evtl. wäre es sinnvoll das Thema auch in den oberen Bereich zu schieben(damit es nicht nach unten wandert.Sorry ich weiss nicht wie der fixe Bereich heisst) oder evtl. einen Subbereich für die gesamte Software rund um die Veränderung, Erstellung, Ein/Ausbindung von Karten anzulegen.