3.30 ist verfügbar auf der Garmin Seite !
Changes made from version 3.20 to 3.30:
* Corrected problems finding items when results contain characters with diacritic marks.
* Corrected a problem on the Geocache Find page where a Find By Name search could potentially highlight a point past the first correct match.
* Corrected an orientation problem on the Turn Preview Page if the route is calculated close to the first turn.
* Corrected problems with the automatic closing feature of the Turn Preview Page when using German or Italian languages.
* Corrected potential problems resulting from automatic closing of the keyboard.
* Corrected potential problem where invalid characters could be entered into a waypoint comment.
* Corrected potential display problems on the Altimeter Page barometer plot view.
* Corrected contour line colors to increase visibility.
hört sich gut an, alle nervenden Probleme scheinen gefixt zu sein
erste Test zeigen: das FIND funktioniert einwandfrei mit CitySelect (nur nicht mit "Städte" ?)