Was fällt uns denn noch so ein ?
Ich habe diese Mail an Oregonbeta@garmin.com geschrieben, in der ich auch hier im Forum geäusserte Wünsche angeführt habe.
Ich habe damit ausserdem auf eine pers. Mail geantwortet, die ich zuvor vom Beta Team erhalten hatte.
Ich hoffe meine Worte werden nochmals erhört
Dear Oregon Beta Team,
I finished my test with 2.97 and..bla bla bla....
If you don't mind I would like to express some proposals for further firmwares.
1. ability to rename routes in Oregon
2. reroute on road and avoidence function in "where to" menu while routing
3. option for datafields on top, on the buttom, or two on top and two on the buttom of the display. Datafield backgrounds should be more transparent, too.
4. a landscape mode would be absolutely cool!!!!
5. when destination is found it should be offered "off road", "on road", "shortest route" like the 60csx does.
This function should be a user choice and be able to be switched off completely.
6. the function of the 60's or eTrex that the routing map appears while navigating before reaching the next turn....when using i.e. compass
7. a function which offers a fast Man Overboard or fast waypoint saving, which could be activated with either an implementable separate Button (like the back button) on the display, which should be available on all displays or a function like fast double tapping on the display or double tapping the ON button at the side.
8. ability to change unit tones and their volume.
9. ability to increase back light even if it drains the battery.
10. Garmin lock would be usefull
11. Eco Route would also be desirable
Thanks for your efforts
Andreas L%"&§$"%!