gerade bei GARMIN.COM gesehen:
Changes made from version 3.40 to 3.41:
Improved track log recording in Auto mode.
Increased the size of the compass pointer on the Compass page.
Enabled the compass pointer to be shown while navigating a Follow Road route.
Added a progress indicator when calculating a Follow Road route.
Increased the precision of the project waypoint distance field.
Added the ability to independently show or hide entire map families on the Map Setup page.
Added meters per second as an option for vertical speed units.
Added Greek language.
Added an option to the Altimeter Setup page that enables the unit to record pressure trend data while power is off (readings are taken every 15 minutes).
Die beiden markierten Punkte scheinen recht interessant zu sein. Gerade beim letzten Punkt frage ich mich wie das gemacht wird, und wie der Stromverbrauch da ist.
Wenn ich Morgen Zeit habe lade ich dei 3.41 mal auf meinen 60CS