MapSource software version 6.16.1
as of May 13, 2010
Change History
Changes made from version 6.15.11 to 6.16.1:
- Added support for 64-bit USB device drivers.
- Added generic label descriptions (less 'unknown' features).
- Added support for importing relevant data from TCX files.
- Added very small and very large symbol size selection.
- Added support for editing waypoint address and phone number information.
- Added New Zealand TM grid.
- Added display of the total length of all selected tracks/routes in the status bar.
- Added numeric sorting of routes, tracks and waypoints.
- Added ability to send error reports directly to Garmin after a crash.
- Improved memory issues when running MapSource under Windows 7.
- Improved map projection for many map products.
- Improved speed of 'finalizing' step when transferring data to SD cards.
- Changed mouse-wheel functionality to zoom in and out.
- Changed 'seasonal closures' avoidance option to 'date and time closures'. MapSource will now route over roads that have time-of-day and seasonal closures if this avoidance option is not checked.
- Changed route via point symbol to small black dot.
- Fixed various categories and subcategories that affected find operations and the display of POI categories and subcategories.
- Fixed some auto-routing oddities.
- Fixed remembering 'Find Nearest' dialog search category.
- Fixed issues with 'Save As' file dialog (in some cases, existing files were overwritten without prompting).
- Fixed some issues with the Swedish grid.
- Fixed issue with address search when a city name was supplied.
- Fixed loss of mixed-case characters when transferring routes to some USB devices.
- Fixed an issue with the refreshing of the route avoidances dialog.
- Fixed an issue with finding elevation features.
- Fixed an issue where the comment field would be incorrect after creating a waypoint from a find result.
- Fixed an issue where transferring data from a mass-storage device would fail.