Wenn dein Sportiva irgendwann beep beep macht...

Garmin fenix 7X und epix Gen 2 im Test

Der Schwerpunkt dieses Tests und Vergleichs der Garmin Fenix 7X Solar und Garmin Epix Gen 2 liegt auf den Sensoren wie Höhenmesser, Positionsbestimmung und Herzfrequenz. Was unterscheidet die beiden GPS-Outdoor-Smartwatches? Und wie gut ist die Taschenlampe der Fenix 7X für den Outdoorbereich? Hier geht es zum Test der Outdoor-Smartwatches ...
  • Hallo,

    the Sportiva-Manual (4.8.6) errects the opinion that within WPT-Alert, Sound Files (.wav) can be associated. The FAQ-Article (see below) says that the device has no speaker. Is this view correct? Very disappointing because I thought basic .wav files like beeps etc. could be reproduced at the very least.

    Are there any posibilities to change the beep rhyhthm for WPT-Alerts??? Can you ad this to the next update?

    And please, be so kind to ad a function to the next update, that enables button-sound (beep) and WPT-Alert-Beep being switched on/off separetely.The button-beeps are completely annoying.

    4.8.6 WPT alert
    „Sound alarm at waypoints?Activate this option if you wish that, when reaching a waypoint, a sound is heard. Load your SD card (folder: „TwoNavData/Data? by default) the sounds that you want in *wav format and select the sound.
    Auto-play attached images/sounds/text: If waypoint has associated files, they can be automatically reproduced when inside waypoint radius.


    Dear Cylex:

    We're improving our Sportiva sound, we will put differents beeps and different ways to make the beeps, because the Sportiva like you said don't have speaker so it can do beeps but not sounds.

    Best Regards.

    pd: i send your comments to text manager to check and erase from the manual this part.
    Lucas Aguilar
    CompeGPS TEAM S.L.

  • I agree with you. However I find that my Sportiva is behaving strangely when it comes to beeping. When pressing a button on a touchscreen, sometimes it beeps, sometimes it doesn't. Also when reaching a waypoint, sometimes it makes a long beep, sometimes a short beep, sometimes it doesn't beep at all?


    p.s. I apologise for writing in english, but my written german is even worse than "google translate" german.

  • Hi Luka

    When pressing a button on a touchscreen, sometimes it beeps, sometimes it doesn't.

    I experienced the same, the logic is somehow weired.

    Also when reaching a waypoint, sometimes it makes a long beep, sometimes a short beep, sometimes it doesn't beep at all?

    Mine only talks in regular beeps.^_^ Try connecting WPTs with beep-alert and a textfile to get a sign whether the alert-routine of the WPT is triggered anyway (just for testing purposes).

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  • Hi Luka,

    When pressing a button on a touchscreen, sometimes it beeps, sometimes it doesn't.

    AFAIK it beeps every second time. Imho this behaviour really doesn't make any sense to me at all.(Month ago i have already reported to CompeTeam)

    p.s. I apologise for writing in english, but my written german is even worse than "google translate" german.

    Doesn't matter at all.
    you're welcome.


  • Leute, das hier ist ein deutschsprachiges Forum. Ausnahmsweise einen Beitrag in einer Fremdsprache kann man akzeptieren, wenn der Schreiber des Deutschen nun gar nicht mächtig ist und der Informationsgehalt hoch. Aber einen ganzen Thread?

    Wenn Ihr die Diskussion fortsetzen wollt, ist das hier eindeutig der falsche Platz dafür, so leid es mir tut, denn Ihr schliesst einen grossen Teil der NaviBoard-Community damit aus und eröffnet einen Privatklub.


  • ... ich finde den Thread ganz amüsant.

    Endlich geht's bei Compe an's Eingemachte, an die Quintessenz.:D

  • Datenschutz ist uns & Euch wichtig, daher verzichten wir auf Bannerwerbung & Web-Analysetools! Um das Forum zu unterstützen bitten wir Euch über diesen Link: bei Amazon zu bestellen....
    Für Euch ist das nur ein Klick, uns hilft es das Forum langfristig und werbefrei für Euch zu betreiben! Vielen vielen Dank...
  • @ll, let up discus this in the english subforum at http://forum.compegps.com/

    @paul-josef, ich teile deine Meinung nicht!

    Wenn die Diskussion nur im Compe-Forum stattfindet, hätten hier einige den Thread nicht mitbekommen.


    TwoNav Cross 5.x , TwoNav Android 5.x + CompeGPS Land Mac 9.2.4 (History: Papierkarte ;), Magellan Meridian Platinum, Garmin GPSmap 60CSx (SIRF3!), Aventura 2008, Sportiva+, TwoNav Anima+, TwoNav Aventura 2017)
    TwoNav Wissensbasis

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