TwoNav Aventura Unlock
Here's how to unlock an Aventura by simply replacing the TwoNav Application with a Startup Menu which can be customised as you wish. No editing of the registry is required – all you need to do is add/rename a few files:
1. Connect the Aventura to a PC and copy everything from the TwoNav folder to a backup folder on your PC
2. Visit and download all the things you'll need for the nfSpeedMenu
3. Get yourself a full version of the aygshell.dll (I used the one delivered with the LK8000 software from – this is 19kB instead of the 4kB CompeGPS version
4. Get yourself a couple of other useful programs which you want to call from the nfSpeedmenu (Total Commander PNA Version, Screen rotate, TCPNP Player, LK8000 etc)
5. Read though the nfSpeedmenu documentation there and make yourself a TwoNav_Aventura.nfSM configuration file (noe: you will have to rename the TwoNav_Aventura.exe below, so include the new name in your conf. File to be able to start TwoNav).
6. Rename aygshell.dll to aygshell.dll.old (so you can easily undo the changes if it all goes wrong)
7. Rename TwoNav_Aventura.exe to eg. TwoNav.exe (as in nfSM conf. file)
8. Copy all the files you've collected to the TwoNav folder on your Aventura
9. Rename nfSpeedMenu.exe to TwoNav_Aventura.exe
10. Soft-reboot the Aventura
If all has gone well you should now see a Menu with various buttons allowing you to start the programs you've added. The touch screen works completely, so start them with your finger.
Things which I haven't yet managed to solve:
Accessing the hardware buttons from outside TwoNav – if anyone manages to find out how to do this please post here, this would be most usefull for lots of things, in particular:
Shutting down the Aventura – as none of the hardware buttons work while the Aventura is not running TwoNav, you have to be able to exit the alternative program you are running to get back to the nfSpeedMenu. From here just start TwoNav.exe, then you'll be able to shut things down.
Accessing the barometric sensor from outside TwoNav. As before, if anyone manages this, please post here.
Ah, and if all goes wrong and a soft reset doesn't help, then your last chance is restoring everything from the backup you made on you PC at the beginning. If you've managed to destroy the USB drivers so you don't see anything on your PC when you connect up, then you've probably turned your Aventura into junk....