Hi Sardinien,
may I ask for MPVF World (or at least Europe) basemap (alike Garmin basemap)?
Hi Marek,
Garmins routable basmap is too big to convert img>mp>mpvf.
Hi Sardinien,
may I ask for MPVF World (or at least Europe) basemap (alike Garmin basemap)?
Hi Marek,
Garmins routable basmap is too big to convert img>mp>mpvf.
BTW: Could you explain why either "Search address" and "Abc search" does not work also in MPVF on basis of UMP_PL (which contain index of POI and addresses)?
Hello all,
There are quite a few people interested in using Polish UMP maps on TwoNav, so we decided to try and convert it (we already publish UMP in variuos formats, such as osm, OsmAnd's obf, mapsforge and Navitel's nm2).
CompeGPS LAND fails to load our IMGs (GPSMapEdit fails, too, but Garmin devices like it), so we tried to use "osm" format. But CGPSL couldn't load the whole PL data, so it had to be split (NE, NW, SW, SE).
Routing doesn't seem to be very usable, but since it works ok in OsmAnd, I assume it's because of CGPSL's implementation of osm import.
It would be great to have possibility to make MPVFs from MP, but CGPL says it doesn't find calibration for our MPs...
BTW: Could you explain why either "Search address" and "Abc search" does not work also in MPVF on basis of UMP_PL (which contain index of POI and addresses)?
Hi Marek,
i remember we discussed that already.
With MPVF actually address search , search for name is simply not possible.
or let us better say we don't know the needed input format for data to achieve.
And existing MPVFs maps created by CompeGPS may also be created using different tools.
Deutschland Bundesländer MPVF Routable aus OSM Daten
Heute Abend komplett
Hallo Pinin,
habe deinen Link in das 1. Posting mit eingefügt, zwecks Übersichtlichkeit. Ist das in Ordnung?
It would be great to have possibility to make MPVFs from MP, but CGPL says it doesn't find calibration for our MPs...
It's definitely possible todo that.
Actually i prefer this method.
Where i can find a exampe of the MP-file you use? Must not be a full map, simple a small example which fails while importing in CGPSL.
It's definitely possible todo that.
Actually i prefer this method.
If it works, I'd prefer it too - our sources are mostly in Polish Map Format.
ZitatWhere i can find a exampe of the MP-file you use? Must not be a full map, simple a small example which fails while importing in CGPSL.
Here you have: http://ump.torch.net.pl/tmp/UMP-PL-Krakow.mp
It has net info already, so it should be suitable for making a routable map. In fact, it's a base for making nm2 maps (with some slight modifications, like character encoding, s/Miasto/City, additional object entries, external nodes when needed).
It has net info already, so it should be suitable for making a routable map. In fact, it's a base for making nm2 maps (with some slight modifications, like character encoding, s/Miasto/City, additional object entries, external nodes when needed).
It lacked a city/region index, this one has it: http://ump.torch.net.pl/tmp/UMP-PL-Krakow3.mp
But still CGPSL seems to need something more.
it's quit simple
remove line "Datum=W84"
and import works.
here you can directly modify/define your import.
You can create your own XML and select in via menu=>File>Options>maps>IMg/MP import file
Note!!! unfortuately it's needed to restart CGPSL than for properfunction after change.
Network infos are not needed to create network infos in MPVF
Hallo Pinin,
habe deinen Link in das 1. Posting miteingefügt, zwecks Übersichtlichkeit. Ist das in Ordnung?
it's quit simple
remove line "Datum=W84"
and import works.
Network infos are not needed to create infos in MPVF
I hoped CGPSL can use it, so it is not necessary to recreate it. Sincerely, TxF.
I hoped
Network infos are not needed to create network infos in MPVF
don't you know how to easily define restrictions?
We have following problems: http://www.garniak.pl/viewtopi…&t=11806&p=146717#p146697
What about the parameter "tolerance". What value do you sugest to have smooth calculation of longer routes?
Hi Marek,
actually no idea
afaik this value only determines the maximun distance between to nodes to connect them as one routing node.
For MP-Format: well prepared even 0.0 should work
For OSM:
difficult to find a good value. 0.5.m may be too much to getover for a wheelchair while ican easily stepover. But a fence could stop me too.
You see the problem?
You see the problem?
When I use to small value (e.g. 0.5 m) my computer can't generate roting.
On the other hand, for tolerance equal to 10 m it works just fine...
When I use to small value (e.g. 0.5 m) my computer can't generate roting.
But this is not a general problem as i e.g. be successful with this value.
Must be something in the input data.
Must be something in the input data.
You're right! Now, also for standard value of 0.5 m, everything is fine!
I think that it might be useful for self-generation of OSM...
Sources of OSM (XML):
1. http://www.geofabrik.de/data/download.html (countries, regions)
2. http://downloads.cloudmade.com/ (contries, regions)
3. http://extract.bbbike.org/ (areas)
any more?
don't you know how to easily define restrictions?
We have following problems: http://www.garniak.pl/viewtopi…&t=11806&p=146717#p146697
There are restrictions in UMP's .osm file. I can't see "restriction" handling in LayersOSMPlugin.xml, though. Seems to me it's just not supported yet.
I couldn't find anything looking like restrictions in LayersGarminPlugin.xml, too.
So unless it's just not used in xmls, but a possible import option, we just need to wait for Compe to implement it.
PS. Is "Deutschland Bundesländer MPVF Routable aus OSM Daten" restrictionless??
There are restrictions in UMP's .osm file. I can't see "restriction" handling in LayersOSMPlugin.xml, though. Seems to me it's just not supported yet.
I couldn't find anything looking like restrictions in LayersGarminPlugin.xml, too.
Actually the only restrictions which are supported is the "one way" and "toll".
In GPSmapedit the checkbox has to be checked for "one way"(RouteParam=0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 in MP-file)
The "toll" can be set within XML with "usable_routing=6" or in properties of layer.
Im LayersOSMPlugin.xml sind paar nette Sachen versteckt, aber leider auch paar Bugs.
Das gleiche gilt auch für das Garmin/MP Plugin.
Hier hat Compe paar von mir definierte MP-Typen übernommen.
Im LayersOSmPlugin.xml zeigt Compe wie man themenspezifische Karten erstellt.
Als Beispiel ist das Mapping für mtb:scale und sac_scale enthalten.
Die Verarbeitung in Compe ist nicht ganz astrein, aber man kann damit was anfangen.
Ich bin echt froh das Compe auf meinen Wunsch eingegangen ist, im Januar hatte man mich noch auf eine spätere Version vertröstet.
Schön das es doch schon mit der 7.4er geklappt hat.
Ich hege die Vermutung das man damit auch problemlos eine Ski-Karte mit Langlaufstrecken, ... oder eine Reitkarte erstellen kann.
Das muss ich aber noch verifizieren.
Man sollte sich auf die Konfiguration des Imports konzentrieren und nur noch im Notfall bei einer bestehenden Karte das Look&Feel über das Clay steuern. Das ist zumindest meine Meinung.
In der Vergangenheit habe ich viel über Clays gemacht.
Ich werde versuchen die Fehler im LayersOSMPlugin.xml auszubessern und eine optimierte Darstellung für MTB zu erstellen.
Das gleiche für Wandern, ... zu machen, sollte dann leicht von der Hand gehen.
Mit etwas Kenntnis der OSM-Tags ist ganze primär eine Fleißarbeit.
Es lohnt sich damit zu spielen.
Ich bin beeindruckt was Compe da geleistet hat.