On the example of "Poligons" see that
layerid="27" - for v.7.5.3 and v.7.6.1
layerid="1000"- for another versions v.7.4 and v.7.3.1
Yes, there had been changes in the past and probably will be changes in the future.
Thus the hypothesis that TwoNav 2.2.5 does not work (does not "understand") clay files such as new tags layerid = "27".
(I previously wrote that my routable map file ua.MPVF without clay file works well).
And what then shall I do for TwoNav 2.2.5?
Layer ids in MPVF and in CLAY must matching. So using them build from different versions may cause trouble.
And Twonav must be able to interprete the CLAY in the intended way. So it might be that Old 2.2.5 expect a bit different format.
So usually best is to use uptodate version of both softwares.
Update Twonav to 2.9 or use older CGPSL versions which writes CLAY-file understood by TN 2.2.5(if this is the problem) or avoid using CLAY-files with MPVFs.
On the basis of this hypothesis, I copied the file LayersOSMPlugin.xml from v.7.4 in my working version v.7.5.3.
This may work in some cases or not. Always keep in mind that besides LayersOSMPlugin.xml exist the real plugins dll which do the work.
The DLL provides the features you can use with LayersOSMPlugin.xml. Usually both have to work together.
What advice can you give to clean objects like osmfilter.exe
osmfilter.exe ua.osm - keep = "highway = or places = or POIs ="-o = ua_h.osm
Sorry but how should i decide which objects you wanna keep and which one you wanna drop. It's always a question of intended map usage and/or design