Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit den topografischen Karten von GPSMap.de?
Wie sind die Daten verwendbar? Mit Fugawi?
the first edition of topographic data covering Europe (10.7°W -35°E /
35°N - 60°N) based on the SRTM set of digital elevation data is available.
The DVD contains three sets of contour lines:
20m contour lines, 3430 tiles covering 0.5° x 0.5° each, 887MB in total
50m contour lines, 910 tiles covering 1° x 1° each, 317MB in total
100m contour lines, 875 tiles covering 1° x 1° each, 176MB in total
The DVD is available for 120.-Euro plus shipping.
Zitat Ende.
Lg Andreas