MapInstall software version 4.0.4

Garmin fenix 7X und epix Gen 2 im Test

Der Schwerpunkt dieses Tests und Vergleichs der Garmin Fenix 7X Solar und Garmin Epix Gen 2 liegt auf den Sensoren wie Höhenmesser, Positionsbestimmung und Herzfrequenz. Was unterscheidet die beiden GPS-Outdoor-Smartwatches? Und wie gut ist die Taschenlampe der Fenix 7X für den Outdoorbereich? Hier geht es zum Test der Outdoor-Smartwatches ...
  • Der Vollständigkeit halber:

    MapInstall software version 4.0.4 steht seit 5. November 2013 zur Verfügung.


    Changes made from version 4.0.3 to 4.0.4:
    ◦Added support for new Japan City Navigator maps

    Changes made from version 4.0.1 to 4.0.3:
    ◦Improved performance for map trimming and map building.
    ◦Improved performance when switching between pages.
    ◦Added functionality that allows using the middle mouse button to pan the map.
    ◦Fixed progress feedback at the end of trimming (MapInstall should not remain at 100% for a long time without actually being at 100%).
    ◦Fixed an issue when hovering over map tiles would make MapInstall crash in some cases.
    ◦Fixed an issue when trying to select more than 4GB worth of tiles.
    ◦Fixed an issue with the display of maps when there was a partial map images installed on the device.
    ◦Fixed handling of faulty map products.
    ◦Fixed an issue where clicking the Find Devices button several times would hang the app.

    Changes made from version 4.0.0 to 4.0.1:
    ◦Fixed an issue where MapInstall was writing maps to the wrong location on memory cards.
    ◦Fixed an issue where MapInstall would display some maps twice.
    ◦Fixed an issue detecting devices with attached memory cards correctly.
    ◦Fixed an issue where MapInstall would not detect some pre-programmed maps correctly.
    ◦Fixed an issue where map deletion was reported as a failure.
    ◦Added various stability improvements.


    BMW Motorrad Navigator V - GS 3.20 - BMW Motorrad 10.00 - Audio 2.10 (Deutsch-Anna) - Text 2.00 (Deutsch) - GPS 3.05.14 - BT 3.0.11 P32 - MPC Map - City Navigator Europe NTU 2016.20 - Map+3D+HT+PA, XXX 15
    zūmo® 660LM - GS 5.10 - Audio 2.40 (Deutsch-Steffi) - Text 3.30 (Deutsch) - GPS 2.90 - DSP 2.30 - City Navigator Europe NT 2016.10 - Map+P+3D, June 15
    zūmo® 550 - GS 5.00 - Audio 2.30 (Deutsch-laute Steffi [TTS]) - GPS 3.00 - BT 3.40 - USB-T 2.3 - City Navigator Europe NT 2016.10 - Map+P, June 15 - AdriaROUTE 4.40 NT
    MapSource 6.16.3 - BaseCamp (2D only) 4.5.2 - BaseCamp 4.5.2 - MapInstall 4.0.4 - MapUpdater 3.3.4 - GarminExpress - WebUpdater 2.5.6 - POILoader - MTP 08/09

  • :) :)

    So altes Zeug auf Vordermann (V 4.0.4) gebracht wird sehr vielen Navibesitzern mit alten Geräten helfen können.

    Vorgegebene Regionen (z. B. Zentral- & Osteuropa, etc.) im Garmin Express können schnell zu Speicherproblemen führen.

    Mit MapInstall kann man aus 551 Karten (NTU Version) selbst eine bestimmte Region zusammenstellen und auf das Navi übertragen.


    BMW Motorrad Navigator V - GS 3.20 - BMW Motorrad 10.00 - Audio 2.10 (Deutsch-Anna) - Text 2.00 (Deutsch) - GPS 3.05.14 - BT 3.0.11 P32 - MPC Map - City Navigator Europe NTU 2016.20 - Map+3D+HT+PA, Aug 15
    zūmo® 660LM - GS 5.10 - Audio 2.40 (Deutsch-Steffi) - Text 3.30 (Deutsch) - GPS 2.90 - DSP 2.30 - City Navigator Europe NT 2016.10 - Map+P+3D, June 15
    zūmo® 550 - GS 5.00 - Audio 2.30 (Deutsch-laute Steffi [TTS]) - GPS 3.00 - BT 3.40 - USB-T 2.3 - City Navigator Europe NT 2016.10 - Map+P, June 15 - AdriaROUTE 4.40 NT
    MapSource 6.16.3 - BaseCamp (2D only) 4.5.2 - BaseCamp 4.5.2 - MapInstall 4.0.4 - MapUpdater 3.3.4 - GarminExpress - WebUpdater 2.5.6 - POILoader - MTP 08/09

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