Twonav Anima custom software

Garmin fenix 7X und epix Gen 2 im Test

Der Schwerpunkt dieses Tests und Vergleichs der Garmin Fenix 7X Solar und Garmin Epix Gen 2 liegt auf den Sensoren wie Höhenmesser, Positionsbestimmung und Herzfrequenz. Was unterscheidet die beiden GPS-Outdoor-Smartwatches? Und wie gut ist die Taschenlampe der Fenix 7X für den Outdoorbereich? Hier geht es zum Test der Outdoor-Smartwatches ...
  • I'm interesting to change my twonav Sportiva with new Anime. Both gps are based on Windows ce. On my Sportiva changing sportiva.exe on boot I can use other software such as Arpad (in demo mode) or Ozi explorer, but I have some problem with hardware buttons. My question is: Who have tried to use Twonav Anima starting on Windows Ce? Is possible, on Windows Ce, use hardware buttons to turn on and off the display?

  • Thanks,
    but I want to use hardware buttons without Twonav software is running. I want to have gps with Windows desktop and run other application.

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  • No don't worry, It isn't urgent...
    For example I use ArcPad, but you can try with OziExplorer Ce
    You can download it here, unzip and run it:…
    But for me, It could be sufficient to know the product action in Windows Ce mode. In particular if is possible turn on/off the screen with the hardware buttons.
    With Twonav Sportiva isn't possible and to do this I use an windows ce application that turn off the screen, but if I touch inadvertently the screen, it turn on automatically.

  • Ok, program is running so far.
    but i'm sorry,
    i failed to find out how to assign hardkey buttons to Ozi.
    Although i red about a so called "settings manager" i couldn't find a setting for hardkeys within OZI.
    And i don't know how it has to be written manually into the definition file

  • Datenschutz ist uns & Euch wichtig, daher verzichten wir auf Bannerwerbung & Web-Analysetools! Um das Forum zu unterstützen bitten wir Euch über diesen Link: bei Amazon zu bestellen....
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  • Ok, but without using Ozi Explorer, and in windows mode, is it possible to use hardware buttons? If you press ON/OFF button, What happen?

  • Datenschutz ist uns & Euch wichtig, daher verzichten wir auf Bannerwerbung & Web-Analysetools! Um das Forum zu unterstützen bitten wir Euch über diesen Link: bei Amazon zu bestellen....
    Für Euch ist das nur ein Klick, uns hilft es das Forum langfristig und werbefrei für Euch zu betreiben! Vielen vielen Dank...