Hallo 276-Fans
Changes made from version 3.10 to 3.20:
* Fixed GPS unit-to-unit transfer of user data.
* Fixed handling of display-options menu on the volume/backlight page.
* Fixed waypoint category highlight error when dealing with a large category list.
* Fixed problem where 'Searching' text would be displayed without results when performing a 'find'.
* Added 'Show on Map' option to menu of the Tide Review page.
* Added Sonar tab page to the Main Menu in Marine mode.
* Improved readability of scroll bar arrows in Night mode.
* Darkened Automotive mode Metro Area colors in Night mode.
* Restored Find menu functionality when projecting a waypoint position.
* When projecting a waypoint, the navigation context is now consistent.
* Restored ability to download almanac data.
* Added translations for the Greek language and updated other languages' translations.
The new software is: GPSMAP 276C Ver. 3.20
You can download the new software from our website by clicking the following link: