GPSMapEdit 1.0 (update 58.0)
(August 16th, 2009) Download version (1280 K).
New feature: New concept "bookmark" is introduced: bookmark is a marked map place (being non-POI) used to keep various comments like errors found at map and so on. Any bookmark has type, sub-type and attributes from the list defined by textual user-customizable schemas which are stored in the subfolder \_BookmarkTypes. A bookmark may also define heading.
To create a bookmark, please use menu item 'Tools | Create Object | Bookmark'. Bookmarks are stored only in MP files; they do not affect any "target" map formats to export (like .IMG or .NM2). - New feature: Import and export of Navitel speedcams (please see menu items 'File | Import | Navitel Speedcams to Bookmarks' and 'File | Export | Bookmarks to | Navitel Speedcams').
- New feature: Export to Lowrance .LCM (thanks to Fiz Stein).
- New feature: Type set "Lowrance" is introduced.
- Fix: The support of Google Maps is updated.
- Enhancement: Loading from Garmin .IMG now supports routing graph.
- New feature: Find routing node by ID (please use menu 'Edit | Find | Routing Node by ID...').
- New feature: Find road by RoadID (please use menu 'Edit | Find | Road by RoadID...').
- Enhancement: Loading GPX tracks is made faster.
- Fix: Crash while loading some .GPX files (thanks to Artem).
- Enhancement: The attribute "LeftSideTraffic=Y" in the header of MP files is supported.
- Enhancement: The datum EPSG:7059 and the projection EPSG:3785 is recognized for raster maps in .ECW format.
- Fix: Selection by rectangle and by polygon now takes into account only visible objects (thanks to olavin, AlexPro).
- Fix: Sticking now takes into account only visible objects (thanks to P.Platonov).
- Enhancement: Current map skin for the default type set is used in the shapefile import wizard.
- Fix: Crashes while editing entry points (thanks to Andrew2910, _Michael_).
- Enhancement: Sticking to entry point.
- Fix: Visualization of entry points in some cases.
- Fix: Crash in 'Tools | Verify Map' while checking polygons overlapping in some cases (thanks to eprosso).
- Fix: 'Tools | Verify Map' - the step in 'too close nodes' is diminished to 2.3 m for Garmin maps (thanks to Jeroen Boomgaardt).
- Fix: Crash while exporting to .NM2 for Navitel 3.2.6 (thanks to Trufanov A.N., Alexander Snezhnevsky).
- Fix: The message "Ignore invalid city" previously preventing export to .NM2 for Navitel 3.2.6 is removed (thanks to Eugene Zyatkov).
- Fix: Loading 3-byte types of points from TXT/TYP map skins in some cases (thanks to k2roble).
- Fix: Non-optimal routes in 'Tools | Test Routing Graph' in "fastest path" mode in some cases (thanks to Dust65).
- Fix: Crash while saving MP in some cases (thanks to Dust65).
- Fix: Crash while copying in some cases (thanks to Dust65).
- Fix: Crash while some map changes (thanks to Dust65).