Version History - SHONKYMAPS
V3.31 27.05.2007
Updated setup.exe to allow installation to the directory of user's choice, defaulting to c:\program files\shonkymaps
V3.30 20.05.2007
Added extra data for waterfall and registered tall trees to the Tasmania maps. Thanks to Aloysius for providing these waypoints. Trees and waterfalls that are named will appear at a slightly higher zoom level than non-named trees and waterfalls, but both are able to be searched in the usual way.
In all maps I have changed the point symbol for a park from a tree to a forest (to allow the differentiation of registered trees). This may appear as a 'point' on the PC, but should appear as two trees on the GPS unit (thats how it appears on my 60CS).
Changed the capitalisation of the mapset name for the large scale maps from shonkyMaps to shonkymaps to match the other products.
Slight mods to the readme.txt and copyright.txt files.
Conversion of the GA data has been fully automated since V2, but there is a significant amount of number crunching, and it still takes approx 48 hours to produce the four mapsets on an Intel Core-Duo T2300 processor (with both CPUs working close to 100%). Just thought you guys would like to know that.