Please consider removing this check or how about making it a configuration option?
When you say "corrupted beyond repair", I'm not sure what you mean. To me, a track is a series of points (possibly with or without other metadata such as time and elevation). I'm not sure how any software would determine what "corrupt" means unless the points were out of legal lat/lon range (ie, a given track could define all sorts of points on Earth and it would be hard to tell why that track which is illegal). I have thousands of tracks that are made up from many different sources (often cut and pasted together). Many have nothing but lat/lon (ie, no elevation or timestamps). These are not corrupt. When you create a track from scratch, there is no timestamp or elevation data (at least when you use basecamp to create them).
Thanks for your consideration.
I am quite tempted to remove that feature. This was introduced when a user complained about no feedback when loading corrupted tracks from his shitty device. QMS does not calculate secondary data for corrupted tracks. As there was no feedback from QMS the user wondered why for some tracks data was derived and for some not.
Anyway it's a pain to click that dialog over and over again. And in almost all cases the tracks are corrupted beyond repair. Shitty tracks are shitty tracks. And the feature is a good example of how the petitions of a single user resulting in strongly demanding "fixes" can spoil software if you listen to the demand.
On the other hand side: Stop using shitty tracks or devices that produce them. In that case you never see that dialogue.