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The user of a German language Board on GPS-usage have created a list of features which are needed to make the eXplorist 600 to a real state of the art GPS-receiver.
(The board language is German, this document is a translation and a summary)
We know that it is possible not each feature being implemented into the next release, but this is what user in Germany are missing. Any feedback is welcome!
Yours sincerely
- Get back to a 2D-diagramm like before at Meridians/SporTraks, this was more informative. 3D-display is very confusing.
- Color coding of sats: eg: grey=no connection, red=connecting, blue=connected. Don't forget that 10% of the male population have a red/green-amblyopia!
- Sort Sats by number at display of the sat-strength
- better utilization of color
- forests,parks should be flood filled with green, not little trees.
- rubber band from position to target is nearly invisible
- allow optional 4 user definable data fields (not only 2 data fields, selectable 2 or 4)
- allow 4 user definable data fields optionally (not only 2 data fields, selectable 2 or 4)
- Heading pointer (like Platinum)
- 2 additional user definable data fields
- where is the 2nd coordinate system (of the meridians/SporTraks) gone? The coordinate system calculator was a powerful tool (combind with projection)
****** One more navigation screen please!!
Data screen: selectable 4 or 8 user definable data fields. if 4 is selected , then use big letters (important for sailing!), perhaps put a band compass at lower end of screen
*****Additional features on every screen:
Battery status, compass on/off-symbol, Satellite-position 3D/2D-Symbol,accuracy (like Garmin)
Other features we are missing:-
- Waypoint projection by distance and direction (Geocacher's wish)
- Automatic light off (low) for 5, 15 seconds selectable
- If automatic light off is engaged, one has to press buttons two times to get reaction, first to switch on light, second to give command. this is odd
- Possibility to switch light off completely
- alternative Power on/off procedure (like Meridians/Sporttraks): It is faster and more safe against accidently switch on/off
- easier switching of compass or switch automaticly dependent on speed (below certain speed electronic compass is switched on)
- Memory function for last SD-Folder if system powered off and on (default is internal storage)
- Edit or at least a "Found"-button for the geocache-waypoints
- Auto routing not only for cars (car fast/middle/slow, bicycles, pedestrian)
- Zooming for 10 meters (not only 35m)
- better utilization of colour
- Better auto-detailed tracking if the turns are every 15-30 meters
- 10.000 waypoints instead of 2.000 waypoints when using a SD-card
- expand user definable data field content to air pressure, temperature
- Calibration of thermometer display
- Weather-screen should be selectable more easily through the menu (move it top-wards)
- A graphical display of the air-pressure (last 24 hours)
- Selectable scale (when to change from base map to detailed map)
- Routing with stopover-points
- Alarm is very quiet (loudness should be selectable)
- If auto routing, system should automatic create new route on deviant (for example 300 meters) (not by pressing GOTO twice times)
- Automatic selection of the right detail-map
- Routable base map
- Additional moon highest level (not only moonrise, moonset)
- If explorist is turned of – a charging symbol would be nice during charging
- Tracking line should be able to configure for better visibility
Nice to have:
Alarm clock function
Stop-watch function
- GPS hangs if USB is unplugged
- Screen update on map screen is terrible slow (in fact it is slower than on the older units). Topo 3D Germany is not usable: screen updates take 10-15s!!! If topographic information is kept off the data, then the update is normal 1s
- Visible symbols on detailed map of (restaurants, train stations, underground stations …) (you can select it in the properties but it is not visible)
- During autorouting, the big sign for the next turn is shown too short
- Address entering scheme it odd: normal habit is first entering the town, then entering the street