Hallo Joachim,
ich muss Dir leider widersprechen.
Auf der Produktseite (http://www.compegps.com/?detai…opcion=1&lang=0en&prod=80) steht ganz unten folgender Hinweis:
"Note: International routing (involving two or more V-map files) can only be performed if all involved maps are from the same version (+info)"
und in der verlinkten Infoseite steht genauer:
"My V-maps does not allow me to do International Routing International routing (involving two or more V-map files) can only be performed if all maps are from the same version.
For example: If you already have a V-map 08Q4 map of Germany and now buy another one of Eastern Europe, which is 09Q2 version, they will not be linked, so TwoNav will not be able to calculate a full route starting from 08Q4 map and finishing in 09Q2 map.
If you want to do that, you will have to update all maps to the latest version."
Das ist nicht Schuld von Compe. Du hast die Produktseite nicht richtig gelesen. Sorry!